
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

hey everyone!!
It has been way too long, and I am so sorry!! The first thing you are probably asking yourselves tight now is “How was Jamie’s trip to Lestho?” well, friends, the trip was canceled. After problems with our visas, we had to move the trip dates, and the night before we were set to leave, the team felt that God was nudging us to stay in jbay and spend the extra time he has given us here.
Last week, we had spring break. A group of us went to Cape town to enjoy ourselves before we pressed into our final weeks of ministry. God really spoke to me on that trip!! Cape town is probably the most beautiful places I have ever been (well, it at least makes the top 3). As I watched the sun set over the ocean, I was amazed by how much God loves me. He gently whispered in my ear that i am precious to him, and that there is nothing i could ever do to make him love me less or more. He just loves me. this came at the perfect time in my life! Since then, I have been spending more time just being with the Lord than actually doing things. Somewhere along the way, I forgot how amazing it is to sit in his presence and just be in love with him. It has been so refreshing to just be with him.
Ministry has been great these last few weeks! With the Joshua Project closed for Holiday, we have had a lot of time to just be with the kids! We have sat on the curb with street kids (some of them are featured in this picture), entertained children from the township at our home, and spent time dividing donated cloths among the needy children we know. We have also had the opportunity to build friendships with the children’s families! It’s really neat to see where they come from, and who they take after!
    today we went to a frail care center, located an hour away from jBay. There were 3 wards we visited. in each, there were children with disibilities of varies degrees. Some had feeding tubes, some could walk and talk. Some were stunted with growth, so even though they were in their 2’s, they looked as if they were only children. my heart became broken for these children. they were so happy, and well taken care of. But my heart longed to give them a taste of life outside of those gates, which they rarely leave. One girl in particular stole my heart. her name is Lyndswa, and she is jsut over a year old. she is the sweetest thing you will ever see! she has dark eyes and light brown skin. She has mental problems though, and her leg is twisted in a way that makes it completly unusable. her parents most likely took her to the hospital, and never returned. Unable to find them, she was taken to this home. my heart wonders what this girl had done to make her parents not love her. She was so sweet, so lovable in my eyes. My heart screamed at the unjustice that she would spend her life behind those walls, only getting out with an occasional outing. Everything in me wanted to take her home, so love her and cherish her the way god intended her to be loved and cherished. I had to trust that God was looking after her. I had to remember that those nurses love the 10 kids they are assigned to like they were their own. i had to remember that God loves her in a big way, and I just had to pray she would feel that love someday. Please pray for her and the workers there. Please pray that i can se her again. Please pray that she is experiences the love of God and shines it brightly even though she is disabled and looked past most the time.