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I am writing tos blog to let everyone knoe I am leaving to travel to Lestho this saturday. I will have no electricity, so I will not be able to contact anyone except if there is an emergancy for two weeks… when I return home (my african home)

other than that, ministry is going well. after all this time, we can see that each kid has formed a special relationship with us. even the children who made us cry in the begining are letting us join in their clubs now! praise the Lord!! Continue to pray for these kids, as we can be open with them, but also that it can allow other people who will stay in south africa a chance to form a relationship with them. missing you all!!!

2 responses to “no contact”

  1. Praying for you as you are in Lesotho! It’s so wonderful to know you are serving in that needy country – I’m so proud of you! Can’t wait to hear all your stories when you get back from Lesotho! Hope you’re managing to deal with no electricity and all that!