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Thoughts & Inspiration

I am moving out of my dorm today, and I can’t help but think of what a wonderful year I have had. it makes me so sad  to look over at my roomate’s bed,  because she has already moved out, and the side is compleaty empty. I am excited that I will not have to go to any more classes (for 13 months!), and that I finished my year storng, but I can’t help but being a little sad to say goodbye to the people that I was surrounded by. The memories will last forever, but friendships and people come and go, the ones who stay in your life, however, are so precious. It is good that God made us relational people. (the girls on the right are just the smallest portion of people I am going to miss increadably!)

God has been continually stretching me and challenging me in new ways. Although i love being put in new situations, I hate facing new temptations. But God is SO good to always forgive when I fall into them, and to give me strength to follow his will for me. he continually challenges me to go the next step, to follow him in a new area of my life. Sometimes it seems like I cannot do it, becasue I am so weak. but I guesse that is the point. WE can’t do it. it’s impossible. Only God can do it, and he can help us do it THROUGH him. I desire that. to be compleatly in the will of God at all times, but only in that will because I am trusting in and relying on, his strength.

Recently, through a change of events, and God’s perfect planning, I am no longer going to be going to the four differnt locations with AIM, but I will be working in Jeffery’s Bay, Africa the whole time. God has really placed these people on my heart, and I am excited to be going! Support is coming along, I am at 54% including a large amount donated by my home church! Praise the lord! I am almost there!! Keep praying that I will be prepared spiritually, physicaly, and finacially by September! I am learnign so much through the process!!

PS. I know i am soppoessed to update every week… I am sorry!! I am going to try and keep that commitment!!

2 responses to “just an end of the school year update”

  1. Hey I am so excited about you going to Jefferys Bay! I know one of the leaders who lives here in Denver. The three of us should go out sometime soon. I’m hoping that at one time you will take a “missions trip” to Swaziland while your there 😉 Love ya and I’m so excited to see where God takes you!


    ps. Nice picture…I wonder who took that AMAZING shot of the slums in J Bay?

  2. I am hoping I will make it to Swazi when I am there too. I am excited to see what God is doing in BOTH our lives, Jes. I love you a lot. You are my big sister!!!

    PS… that amazing photographer was YOU! sorry, I didn’t have another picture to put in so I totally jsut stole one of yours off facebook. yay!!