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I love learning from Esther. I read her book and I am inspired to become a woman after God’s own heart, risking even my very life for his plan. However, when I was reading through the book these last few days, I was challenged by Mordecai. I had always (and still do!) admired Esther in the life that she lived. Because of this, I seemed to have overlooked the man that Mordecai was.

In Esther 4:12-14, Mordecai tells Esther, “do not think because you are in the kings house alone you will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deleverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?”

WOW!! the highest hope for the Jews was for Esther to come before the king and plead for the lives of the Jews. This was not an easy task! It was likley that as Esther went before the king, she would die! But Mordecai had compleate faith that even if this little ounce of hope was not what deleverd them, God would provide in another way. Mordecai had no way of seeing another way that it could happen. His faith amazes me. He knew that God would provide, even when the events around him pointed to compleate devestation.

It makes me wonder, where is my faith like Mordecai? I look around me and I see the pains of this world, none of which amount to the annialation of my entire race, and I get scared. i lose heart and do not think God can bring me out of tough situations when there seems like there is little hope. I ong to have the faith of mordecai. To truley believe and know that God is good, and will always provide. To know that God is always present and working behind the scenes, and we are amidst his plan everyday, even if it seems that the world is winning, and the cross seems too far to run to.